1. Please share one memory of your high school graduation. Pics would be great!
I remember being a nervous wreck because I had to give a speech! I hated the last day of school every year because it meant leaving my friends behind for the summer months (plus, weird but true, I actually liked school!) So, graduation was much worse because it was so permanent. No pictures to share today – I was all red-eyed on the pictures!
2. What is one "emergency use" item you keep in your vehicle at all times?
Baby wipes. We don’t have a baby in diapers anymore, but those things are very multi-purpose. Did you know they’re great on stains?
3. In your region, do you celebrate graduation open houses? Addendum: (If so,) how many open houses/bridal showers/weddings are on your upcoming events calendar?
We have graduation parties. Would you believe that I don’t have any party/shower plans on my calendar in the upcoming months? Not yet, anyway. We do have a niece who graduates this year, so we shall see.
4. Tell me one truth you believe about motherhood.
It is a gift from God.
5. What was the last thing you broke?
A picture frame. I had it laying on the table to take to the CHAP convention for our advertising posters – I leaned over my computer and put my elbow on the frames, by accident, and the glass in the top one just shattered. Oops!
6. On average, how many pieces of junk mail do you receive daily?
2-5. I hate junk mail! What’s really bad is when I go to the p.o. and all that’s in the box is junk mail – that’s depressing!
7. Do you like to shop by catalog?
I like to shop by any means that gives me the best deal!
Really, though, it depends on what I’m shopping for. Some things are fine by catalog; others – like clothes – no way!
8. Is lawn maintenance at your house a "his job," a "her job" or "his/her job" or "that's why we have teenagers" job?
Definitely a “his job”. Brian does all the mowing, most of the gardening, and he takes orders quite well for the landscaping. If I were in charge, I guarantee our yard wouldn’t look nearly as nice.
9. Which room would you like to redecorate in your home?
My bedroom! It is the worst! But, Gracie’s room is next on the list. We’ve decided on a theme – Asian – and think we’re going with a deep red and/or dark orangy-gold – and we bought the bedding set (dragon) – but that’s as far as we got.
Once her room is completed though, I’m definitely next on the list!
10. Do you read a newspaper regularly, or do you read most of your news on line?
No. As a matter of fact, when our subscription to our local weekly paper ran out, we chose not to renew. The paper was getting smaller and smaller – and essentially more boring. All I read was the obituaries, yard sales, and real estate. LOL
11. Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
Most definitely. And, for the ones that I don’t yet understand, I’m waiting to find out the reasons in heaven! Life, though, is very much a matter of trust. I learn that more each and every day.
12. Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things?
Both. I don’t think I can choose one of the other. I’m very worried about doing things right – I’m a perfectionist in many ways. But, I also want to be doing the right things.
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1 comment:
Enjoyed reading your list and loved your answer to number 4. :)
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