Friday, March 25, 2011

The Pirate Daughter’s Promise by Molly Evangeline

Several weeks ago, I received an e-mail from a homeschool graduate, inviting me to review a book she had written.  I had never heard of Molly Evangeline before – but, being the homeschool mom of a 17-year-old aspiring author, I was intrigued.  I knew that Ashley would be as well. 

Now, I must say that Ashley and I are not big fans of pirates and pirate stories.  She has seen Pirates of the Caribbean – I have not.  So, when I saw the book description, I wasn’t sure if this book would be a good fit for either of us.  However, something prompted me to reply to Molly in the affirmative. 

9227469 Orphaned at a young age, Skylar McHenry grew up as little more than a servant and shunned by everyone around her because of her reputation as a pirate's daughter. Each day Skye faces is marked by some new struggle. Her only hope is to rely on her heavenly Father's care and comfort and the solace of her best friend, Will, who has become more than dear to her.

Just when an unexpected encounter gives Skye a small glimmer of hope that things might change in her favor, her world is shattered. She is awakened in the night by cannon blasts. Pirates storm the orphanage, drag her away, and force her aboard their ship. The cruel captain's intentions are clear. He will extract from her, through any means necessary, the location of the treasure hidden by her father. For Skye to divulge the location would mean breaking the last promise she made to him. She's certain she never will, but what happens when the lives of those dearest to her are at stake?

The Pirate Daughter's Promise is full of daring high seas adventure; sweet, wholesome romance; surprising discoveries; unlikely new friends; and the rewards of trusting in God even when life seems impossible.

newauthor2 You can learn more about Molly here, or by visiting her blogThe Pirate Daughter’s Promise is the first in a series of 4 books, called the Pirates & Faith Series

These books are all available on and are also available for the Kindle.

I passed this book along to Ashley when it arrived, not sure at all what her thoughts might be.  I was pleasantly surprised.  I’ll let her take over from here ---

Ashley’s 2 cents . . .  Mom got this book for me to review and I wasn’t sure what to expect of it. Because, well, I’ve never really been interested in pirates. At all.

So when I saw the book, I was kind-of reluctant to read the book. I let it sit in my room and wait to be read. Eventually, I picked it up and started to read.

And I was really surprised.

As soon as I started it, I couldn’t put it down! It surprised me. It had suspense, romance, a little bit of sword-fighting, everything that people want to read in a book.

I didn’t want it to end! I wanted it to keep going on. As with any good book, they end way too soon.

I recommend this book to any teenager! If you like romance, suspense, pirates, you’ll like this book! It had such a great mix of everything you would want in a book.

I hope to read the next books in this series, as soon as I can get a hold of them.


Our Homeschool Reviews said...

I also received this book and just loved it. Finally finished reading it yesterday! I think my daughter would like it too!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good book!!!

I am a new follower from the Friendly Friday blog hop and would love a follow back! Have a very Happy Friday!


Mika said...

Thanks for the review! Sounds
like a good book!
I'm following from the blog hop.
I'd love a follow back at

Are You A Mom said...

Thanks for following me...I am now following you too!
Maureen -

Tootsie said...

just so happy you popped in and left a comment! I am your newest follower! hope to see you soon!

Unknown said...

Hi, new follower from Friday hop. I so agree good books end to soon. Stop by and visit my blog when you have the time.

Anna said...


I'm your newest follower from the Bee Friendly blog hop:) Sounds like a good read.

Feel free to check out my blog here: inadaze13.blogspot.

Style, Decor & More said...

I'll have to let my daughter know about the book!
Sounds interesting! She likes pirates!
Great blog!

I'm a new follower from the blog hop!
Hope you can hop by and follow me:

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