Thursday, August 30, 2012

Destination Disney ~ a new series

Last week, we finished up our Destination Disney in Color series.  I hope you had a lot of fun with it - I know I did!  I thought it was great fun to see all the different interpretations of the various colors that we focused on.  Now, though, it's time to move on and introduce a new series of topics . . .

We'll be taking this week and next week off from posting.  (Why?  Because I'll be spending next week AT WALT DISNEY WORLD!)  Then, starting on Thursday, September 13th, we'll be beginning this:

DD quotes button

I absolutely love some of Walt's quotes!  I also love some of the famous (and not so famous) character quotes from movies.  I wanted to think of another series of open-ended topics - where each person participating might interpret it in a different way.  I came up with this one!  So, each week, I'll be posting a new quote - and you can take that quote and share pictures, stories, etc. that you think tie in with that quote. 

To get us started for the last 3 weeks of September, we'll be focusing on these 3 quotes/phrases:

13th -
MyPicsDays4&5 081

20th -
Florida 2011 168

27th -
Florida 2011 815

You have a few weeks to put some thought into what these 3 phrases/quotes mean to you and what pictures or stories you'd like to share on your blog!  I'll be back on September 13th to get started.  Can't wait!


Mindy B said...

The second one is one of HM WofW quotes coming up. <3

Mikki said...

Hey there~
If you have any time, shoot me an email. Maybe we can finally meet up while your down here. :-)

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