Saturday, February 27, 2010

Small Talk Six: Look Who’s Coming to Dinner

SmallTalkSix175 It’s time for another installment of Small Talk Six.  Today’s topic is a tough one - “6 famous people you would love to have dinner with.”

Hmmm. . . how to choose.  Guess I’ll go with these:

1. Glenn Beck – today my hubby and I are going out to celebrate our anniversary –so I’m picking Glenn Beck just for Brian – I know he’d LOVE to meet him!

2. Tim Hawkins – he’s our family’s favorite comedian and I could so use a good laugh right about now.  Can you imagine eating with a comedian?! We’re anxious enough to hear him live at the Midwest Homeschool Convention in April!

3. Steven Curtis Chapman – we’ve had opportunity to meet him after one of his concerts and he’s just so “real”.  Love that!

4. The Founding Fathers of our nation – I’d be quite curious to hear what they’d have to say about the state of affairs our nation is in right now

5. Max Lucado – LOVE this man’s books and his ministry (and his entertainment armoire in my living room – wink!)

6. Beth Moore – I feel like I know her personally after doing several of her studies.  I’ve been reading peoples’ thoughts on her newest book – So Long Insecurity – and I’d love a chance to chat with her about it over dinner!

If you’d like to participate in Small Talk Six or learn more about it, click here.

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