Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Homeschool Mosaics–COMING SOON!

Earlier this year, I shared about some major changes in my life and some health issues that came about as a result of those changes.  We all know that change isn’t easy.  Trials aren’t either.  Going through them stinks. 

But the good news is in Romans 8:28, which says “we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” Wow!  Those are some powerful words.  If you’ve been in church for any length of time, you’ve likely memorized them.  But, do you believe them? 

From experience, I can tell you that it’s often hard to believe when we’re in the middle of difficult times.  It’s hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  But, I can also tell you that these words are true!  And I’ve seen them played out in my life time and time again.

Most recently, I have been blessed with an amazing group of women that has come around me to support me through some trying times.  At first, I thought it was just a group that I could open up to and share.  Little did any of us know that God was forming a group to do mighty things for Him . . . 

One day, I woke up with an idea in my head.  I shared with the group, and it spiraled from there.  And the result is a website for homeschoolers that is scheduled to launch on April 2nd.


Part of our “disclaimer” is really an “about us” - The primary goal of Homeschool Mosaics is to support homeschoolers. Our hope is that the diversity of our writers will be a gift to the diversity of our readers.

We want to reach ALL homeschoolers.  We don’t want to limit our audience to only those who are homeschooling using a certain method, those who are in a specific group, or those of a particular religious affiliation.  We have all chosen the path of homeschooling – so, therefore, we all have homeschooling in common.  We are taking that common bond to a new level with this website.  We’ll be talking about various styles of homeschooling, sharing ideas from our own homeschools, and being open and honest with our failures as well.

Because you know what?  God often uses broken people.  And, He’s taken 25 broken women, and brought us together. Have you ever seen a mosaic?  It starts out with a bunch of broken tiles that, in and of themselves, don’t look like much.  But, when an artist combines them, something beautiful results. 

So, get ready!  And as you wait for the launch of the website, I hope you’ll stop by our Facebook page and “like” us.  We’ll be sharing information leading up to the launch on April 2nd.

FacebookPartyButtonOh, and mark your calendars for April 2nd at 8pm EST.  In honor of the website launch, we are hosting our very first Facebook Party.  And, it’s going to be a big one! 

We have lots of GREAT prize donations from some familiar names in homeschooling – as well as some new and exciting surprises that you definitely won’t want to miss! 

In addition to the prizes, you’ll also have a chance to meet and get to know several of our contributing authors at the party.

You can RSVP for the party at the event page.  Hope to see you there!


Catherine said...

I believe every syllable. thank you for including me. xo

Jennifer said...

Exciting news!!!! We're planning on homeschooling our daughter. (She's only two, so I'm doing some very loose and laidback "units" of books, crafts, songs, and games with her right now.) I'm excited for the launch and to see what's in store!

proverbs22_6acad said...

So awesome, Heidi. I am very excited for you and all the ladies involved. I know that God is directing your steps and that He has some wonderful adventures ahead for you. Can't wait to see the new site. I know it will be fabulous.

Thosetwogirls said...

I am so excited about this! Working with all these wonderful ladies has been AMAZING! Beauty from ashes in the fullest!

Mary Prather said...

This sounds do exciting, Heidi! I can't wait to see....

Mary Prather said...

Oops SO not DO exciting!

Chris said...

This sounds fabulous, I knew God would lead you to amazing new things. My heart is full if joy for you and I'm so excited to see what this creative new endevour is all about. It'll be cool to watch it grow and reach so many, and sure sounds like a valuable support for homeschoolers! Love ya girl!

Tara Mitchell said...

I'm so excited to see what your new group has to offer the homeschool community!

Ancientpathsacademy said...

It would be really great if you could include something on permission to reprint articles from your website in homeschooling newsletters.  I often come across great things to pass along, but have trouble securing that permission.  :)

Shannon said...

God is SO Good, Heidi-Girl... I learn that more every day. I'm so abundantly blessed to be surrounded by those very same people, which INLCUDES you. You are an inspiration and an encouragement to me in all things... thank you for being MY friend! (((loves)))

Susan Anadale said...

"Because you know what?  God often uses broken people. 
And, He’s taken 25 broken women, and brought us together. Have you ever
seen a mosaic?  It starts out with a bunch of broken tiles that, in and
of themselves, don’t look like much.  But, when an artist combines them,
something beautiful results."

Love this image.  You are doing important work and I can't wait to see what you ladies are getting to unveil.

Paula said...

I love the imagery behind this new venture, Heidi! Looking forward to what you've got up your sleeve :)

Beth D. said...

Congratulations on your new endeavor, Heidi!  

Heather Randall said...

I'm so excited for each of you. This is an awesome accomplishment and a beautiful testimony to an attitude of perseverance. ((Hugs)) and BIG high fives!

Guest said...

I don't know why I'm just now finding out about this, but it sounds like a fabulous project! Great job to all involved!

Mrs. White
The Legacy of Home

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