Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Disaster Looming? Never Fear!

Quote 17

In the past year alone, I’ve been on an emotional roller-coaster of ups and downs, especially where business is concerned.  So, this quote from Walt has significant meaning to me. 

Last January, I felt as if my world were falling down around me and I was hopeless to do anything to stop it.  However, over the course of the next few months, I had ideas pop into my head – as well as into the heads of several friends – and together we collaborated on a new business effort that is now known as Homeschool Mosaics. 

As with Walt’s personal experience, in my own I have realized that sometimes we need to hit rock bottom in order to see which way is up and start on a course to get there! 

I’m so glad that Mickey Mouse popped into Walt’s head at EXACTLY the right time.  Otherwise, the Walt Disney empire (movies, parks, etc.) probably wouldn’t exist as we know it today.  And, I can’t imagine my life without Disney in it. 

How about you?

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