Saturday, January 5, 2013

Thomas and Friends “Steam Team Station”

Several weeks ago, we received a neat game/iPad app combo from Duo games.  It’s the Thomas and Friends “Steam Team Station” game.


The game box includes the activity center (seen above), along with the game cards.  It is compatible with all versions of the iPad.  You simply place your iPad into the activity center, download the free app, and you’re ready to play. 

There are 3 games to choose from – the first 2 are both free with the app download – the 3rd requires an additional purchase to play. 

The game comes with a package of AA batteries to get your started (these can easily be replaced).  It’s simply and quick to set up; so anxious kids can start playing almost immediately. 

While this game seems more geared toward preschool aged children, I asked my son Ian (age 6) to help me demonstrate:

This is a cute game and I will be passing my copy along to my 2-year-old nephew. However, if I had purchased this myself, I would be a bit disappointed. At a cost of almost $40 (at, I would have been very upset to discover that I had to pay extra for the third game app (that seems inappropriate to me). Also, as previously stated, this game should be marked for preschoolers. Once a child can read even the littlest bit, this game is below them.

If you have a little one who loves using the iPad and you’d like something “different” (rather than just tapping the screen), this might be just the game you’re looking for.  In addition to inserting cards into the system, this game also encourages some exercise!

NOTE: I received the above game for free in exchange for my posting about it on my blog.  I was not obligated to write a positive review.

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