Thursday, June 25, 2009

DD ~ First Disney Trip

Today's topic is

My very first trip to Disney was in the late 80's.  I believe it was January of 1987.  I posted a picture of me and my brothers on that trip here.  This was the trip that instilled in me my love for all things Disney (including the Birnbaum's Guide).  It's also the trip that spurned my planning obsession (and it's been downhill ever since!)

2 years later, I experienced my first "on my own" trip - even though my parents and  brothers were vacationing there at the same time, my BF and I had a room to ourselves and did our own thing.  I shared a picture from that trip here.

I shared a picture of our first trip together (as a family) here (1999).  That trip was more of a spur-of-the-moment trip - my parents had received a monetary gift and shared enough with us for a trip to see The Mouse.  Even with only a few weeks, I was able to REALLY plan!

There's something special about the first trip - no matter what the circumstances.  I still remember things about my first trip, and each time one of our kids experienced her/his first trip.  On our trip in January, not only were we able to see Disney for the first time through Ian's eyes, but also through the eyes of our dear friends who traveled with us. 

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