Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Kathryn's Fountain by David Claassen

This week, the
Christian Fiction Blog Alliance

is introducing
Kathryn's Fountain
Cladach Publishing (November 8, 2008)
David Claassen

Kathryn is resigned to living out her last days at Victorian Manor, a beautiful old home for senior citizens. Then one day a miraculous experience happens to Kathryn at the garden fountain, and she begins living an adventure beyond her wildest dreams. Love and sacrifice take on new meaning as she involves a social worker and a police detective in carrying out what she believes to be her calling -- to rescue a street child named Jasmine.

Kathryn's Fountain celebrates the gifts that the generations can bring to each other. The conclusion is a resounding affirmation that it's never too late to make a difference.

If you would like to read an excerpt from Kathryn's Fountain, go HERE.

I'm a follower of Jesus Christ and seek to live my life to please Him and for His glory. I'm walking this journey with my life's partner, Diann. We've been married since 1972 and have two grown children. Our daughter Julie serves as a missionary with her husband Victor in Mexico in a ministry they founded called Fishers of Men. Check their ministry out at Our son Dan is married to Teri and he's a detective in a police department in a suburb of Indianapolis.

I have pastored the Mayfair-Plymouth Congregational Church of Toledo, Ohio since 1975, having just celebrated 33 years at the church. You can check out the church at You can also visit me at my blog, where I add material about every other day or so.

I enjoy photography, that's why I'm treating you with a different photo of mine each week on the web site. Over three hundred of my photos are for sale at

I'm also a ventriloquist, of sorts, and treat the children of my church with a "visit with Ricky" every third Sunday of the month in the morning worship services.

Raising white homing pigeons is another of my hobbies. I enjoy watching them soar overhead.

That's just a little bit about me. Thanks for visiting. God bless you!

I know someone whose job more-or-less dictates that he establish relationships with the elderly, yet he continually refuses. I feel sorry for him because he is missing out on what could prove to be a huge blessing in his life.  All because he's "afraid" of old people.  That's sad.

When I was about 12 years old, I became a "geri-striper" (like a candy striper) at the nursing home where my mom worked. I admit, there were several old people in the nursing home that scared me. But others of them were so much fun to get to know and help out, and I learned a lot about life and myself while serving in that capacity (first and foremost, that nursing would not become my profession!)

I lost my first grandparent at the age of 15.  Having been an only child up until 5 months before my grandmother passed away, I was VERY close to my grandparents. Not only did they live right down the street from me, but I spent a large amount of time with them. Though, by the world's standards, my Nanny was less than intelligent, I have gleaned a lot of wisdom from my relationship with her. For one thing, I learned that it's important to take time for children - she would sit for hours and let me brush her hair, and we played so many games of Chinese checkers, rummy, and Go Fish! that it's ridiculous.  Just those simple acts of attention left an indelible mark on my life, along with precious memories that I'll carry with me forever.

Since that time, I have continually established relationships with older people and, to this day, some of my most treasured friendships are with older people (those old enough to be my parents and/or grandparents).  WHY?  Because there is so much to be learned from the older generation.  And, as a matter of fact, this is part of God's plan for us.  Paul set forth this principle in his letter to Titus (2:3-5) when he said "Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live ... to teach what is good. Then they  can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be sefl-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God."  I believe that this same principle applies to men, who should be looking to older men of the faith as examples.  By not establishing relationships with older people, are we not disobeying God's very command?  It is not possible to learn and glean from people that we are continually ignoring.

I believe that this is a much larger problem in today's society than in was in past generations. One thing that I have seen over and over again is young people, fresh out of college, who think they know it all.  God forbid that an older person might know more (from life experience) and said older person better never try to tell this younger person how to do something. I'm not sure where this attitude is coming from, but it's not healthy and it's not godly.

All that to say that this book - Kathryn's Fountain - is probably not the type of book that I typically enjoy. I tend to be a realist, so books involving any type of fantasy or deviation from the norm (at least my perception of it) are usually not my favorites.  But, Kathryn's Fountain is set apart.  Caryl Therese Thomas touts it as "a modern-day parable" and Stan Means says that Kathryn's Fountain "spotlights the ageless longings of the human heart". How true! 

I believe that this is a book that everybody should read. David J. Claassen has written a novel full of love, hope, adventure, sadness, and so much more. I could barely put it down. One phrase that really stood out to me, and prompted the writing of my thoughts (this review) was this one ...

"Love little kids ... Then, there are people of your parents' generation
and people your grandparents' age ... We're all people ... you know.
We all have feelings, hopes, dreams, and disappointments;
and we all want to matter, to feel needed ...
You're part of a picture that includes all kinds of people of all ages.
We're all pieces to the big puzzle.  Just be the piece God wants you to be
so you do your part to complete the picture."

I'd urge you to pick up this book, read it, and share it.  I once encouraged my Sunday School class (of junior high aged kids) to step out of their comfort zone and do something they wouldn't normally do.  We all need to sometimes.  One thing I recommended was crossing the age barriers in the church, and talking to an older person.  I know from experience that doing so will almost always result in a blessing.  So, if you are missing out on a relationship with someone of the older generation, don't wait any longer. Open your heart; you'll be glad you did.

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