Sunday, February 21, 2010

Small Talk Six: Who? Me? Control Freak?

SmallTalkSix175 I’m a day late on Small Talk Six, but I enjoy this meme so thought I’d post my answers to yesterday’s topic today.  The topic is - “6 things you would rather do yourself, even if you could pay someone else to do them.”

Here are my answers:

1. Teach my children – we’ve tried public school and don’t really think it’s an option at this point.  So, the alternative would be to pay for private school; and I know I can do just as well (if not better) teaching them myself.  So, we choose to homeschool.

2. Wash my dishes – I don’t know why, but this is one area that I tend to be obsessive over.  We don’t have a dishwasher and I don’t like anyone offering to do my dishes when they come to visit.  My mom knows it’s a big no-no to even offer!

3. Fold my clothes – I’d love if my kids could help, but nobody seems to be able to do it to suit me.

4. Plan my vacations – sorry, no travel agency for me.  I have too much fun making the plans to ever use an agent!

5. Drive me around – I don’t trust other people’s driving. LOL

6. Do my job for me – though I am trying to get better at asking for help, as needed. :)

What about YOU?  Is there something specific that you just prefer to do by yourself?

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