Monday, March 1, 2010

To grade or not to grade . . .

. . . that is the question.

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Here in PA, we are required to have our children evaluated each year, in addition to turning in a portfolio of sample work to the school district.  I like to have our grades in the porfolios as well.  I tend to be a paperwork perfectionist; and like things to be "just so".  

That being said, I'm not a real "stickler" about our grades.  I'd much prefer to give the same spelling test 3 times  - working on it until all the words can be spelled correctly - rather than scoring an 80% (or whatever) and leaving a few words misspelled.  This is just an example, but I lean this way with all our subjects.  I'd much rather be assured that my children are learning and that they know the material; rather than just scoring a grade and leaving things misunderstood or unlearned. 

I think this is one of the perks of homeschooling.  In a classroom setting, the teacher doesn't have the liberty or the time to work through something until EACH STUDENT totally understands or knows the materials.  In homeschooling, we can do that! 

I'm curious to hear what YOU think about grades and how you handle them in your homeschool.  I hope you'll leave a comment with your thoughts!  If you'd like to know what other Crew member's are saying about grades, click here.  Be sure to check back next week when we share how we organize our homeschool space (or, in my case, lack thereof!)
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