Last week, I was contacted by Guidecraft and asked to review some items from their product line. If you’re not familiar with Guidecraft products, I’d highly encourage you to check them out. Their products appeal to me for various reasons – the two biggest being as a mother who is always looking for educational toys for my kids and as a homeschool family with limited storage space. These were the things I was thinking of as I browsed the online catalog in search of the perfect product(s) to review.
The first product I was attracted to was the School Library Shelf. I must preface this by saying that we have A LOT of school books and resources! I’m a confessed bookaholic, for one thing; and, thanks to my job with the TOS Homeschool Crew, I have an overabundance of books, curriculum, and other products to support my habit. Our dining room doubles as our school room; so in addition the table and china cabinet, the room is filled with two computer stations, a piano, and a 5-shelf bookshelf. My piano was covered with books to review and the bottom cupboards of my china cabinet were filled with school books! Enter the School Library Shelf ---
First of all, I should tell you that this arrived on a Friday morning, and Ashley and I (being the impatient females that we are) decided to put it together. The first step was removing all the parts from the box. I got a little worried because I didn’t see the assembly instructions anywhere. Finally, we found them all rolled up in one of the boxes containing hardware. I had to laugh when I opened them – these instructions were definitely either designed by or for a male! They contain NO WORDS, just pictures! (if you’re curious, you can see them here)
Once we had everything laid out and we made sure everything was there, we set to work. We installed the casters first. I have to admit that we didn’t use all the washers. I thought it was just me – not knowing exactly how to work the tools – but we later discovered that some of the holes weren’t quite large enough for the screws to fit down into – instead they rested more on the surface. To me, it wasn’t a problem – and does not seem to have an effect on the finished product in the least.
The hardest part of the assembly was putting the 2nd side on. We had trouble keeping it steady and matching up all the holes. But, once we did, we got it together quickly and ended up with this. Ian looks quite proud, but really he was more of a hindrance than a help.
And how does it look in our schoolroom, you ask? The lighting isn’t good here, but you can see how we’ve filled it. Right now, it’s got all of the girls’ current school stuff on it AND next years’ (what we have already purchased or had on hand). And, it’s barely filled!
(this side is Gracie’s – the other side is Ashley’s). It makes a nice little “computer nook” area and fits just perfectly where I wanted it. The shelves on the ends are holding our daily planners.
And guess what? This freed up the large bookshelf for all of MY stuff – teacher books, resources (dictionaries, etc.), and my review books! We were able to clean out the china cupboard and fill it with games – which before were just piled up in the corner of the room!
This homeschool mama is a happy girl! And, guess what the very best part is? YOU, too, can have a Guidecraft School Library Shelf of your very own. How, you ask? First of all, please visit Guidecraft and let me know what product you absolutely love and would like to have for your very own! (this is a mandatory entry)
But, there’s more --- if you really want to win this shelf, you may do any/all of the following for extra entries (please leave a separate comment for each one that you do):
- Follow Guidecraft on Twitter
- Like Guidecraft on Facebook
- Follow the Guidecraft blog
- Follow MY blog
- Like Heidi’s Reviews & Reflections on Facebook
- Follow HeidiSays on Twitter (even though I’m not a very good tweeter – yet!)
- Put my (new!) button on your blog (2 entries)
- Post about this contest with a link back (3 entries)
This contest will remain open until 8am next Monday, May 10th (can you believe it’s May?!) At that time, I will draw ONE random winner. Good luck! And, if you don’t win this, don’t fret – I have another Guidecraft product to review and give away next week! Be sure to check back. Please note: Guidecraft will ship to U.S. addresses only.
I received this product for free from Guidecraft.
The thoughts expressed above are entirely my own.