Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Giveaway Scout


Have you checked out Giveaway Scout yet?  If not, you can do so by clicking on the logo above.  Giveaway scout is a search engine that scans blogs looking for giveaways.  So, in other words, it does all the work for you – so all you have to do is enter the contests!

If you have a blog and host contests/giveaways, you might want to enter your blog on their system.  That way, it’ll be sure to pick up any giveaways that you are hosting and share them for you.  Once again, less work for you; but, hopefully, more exposure for your blog!

I’m going to try it.


Teresa Dawn said...

Thanks for the link :)

Denise said...

I use them a lot to look for giveaways. I hadn't heard of them until they left a message on my blog. It was the only spam I've left on my blog because they were very polite and nice...and it turned out to be a great resource!

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