Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Gamewright – Splish Splash! & City Square Off

Last week, we received some new games from Gamewright.  Gamewright is one of our family’s favorite game manufacturers – famous for games like Can You See What I See?, Snap, and Slamwich.

Splish Splash! is a great game for 2-4 players, ages 4 and up. There is no reading required and an average game takes about 15 minutes to play. Here’s a bit more about this game from the Gamewright website:

GAMEWRIGHT-7113 How to play. . . Jump right into this lively game that’s sure to make a splash! Roll the die and then drop the wooden pebble into the pond. Did any colorful shapes splash out? If so, match them up to your playing board. Be the first to fill up your board and then dry off with a win!

Imagine walking through the forest on a hot summer’s day and stumbling upon a secret pond that shimmers with every color of the rainbow. Such is the inspiration for this delightful game that aims to pique your sense of wonder. As you play, you’ll hone such essential skills as counting, color identification as well as hand/eye coordination. You’ll even learn some elementary physics, as you see that even the tiniest pebble can make a big splash. Jump right in – the water is just right and the fun awaits you!

Splish Splash! Reinforces:

  • Fine Motor Skills
  • Color Identification
  • Matching

Heidi Says . . . this game was very easy to play! The directions are simple to understand. The concept takes a little getting used to, at first, but once you get the hang of it, it’s quite fun.  Ian, my 5 year old, just loves this game!  While it’s certainly meant for the younger members of your family, it’s fun for everyone to play along and makes for great family entertainment.  It would be a great addition to your family’s game collection and a great way to include the little ones!  Splish Splash! sells for $14.99.


City Square Off is for 2 teams or players, ages 8 and up.  Again, no reading is required, and gameplay lasts approximately 15 minutes. This game is more of a strategy game, and definitely requires some thought.  Here’s a bit more about it from Gamewright:

GAMEWRIGHT-408 How to play . . . Go head-to-head against your opponent in this tactical game of city planning. Draw a shape card and then simultaneously try to fit the matching tile into your city grids. Plot wisely, as you must always have space to play your next piece. Build your city without going over the limits and consider yourself the master planner!

There’s nothing like a great city rivalry: Sparta vs. Troy, Paris vs. London, New York vs. Los Angeles. Now add to the list – yours vs. your opponent’s! Put your spatial thinking and strategic planning skills to the test as you try to fill your city grid in the most efficient pattern. Do your best to plan a few moves ahead, but beware: Shapes will be drawn at random and not every tile will be used!

City Square off Reinforces:

  • Spatial Relations
  • Logic
  • Strategic Thinking
Heidi Says . . . City Square Off deserves the awards it has received – Dr. Toy’s Best Vacation Products and the Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Gold Award.

Ashley (17), Gracie (11), and I have all  been enjoying challenging each other with this game.  You start out by placing one city piece in the middle of your grid, then you add various shaped pieces as you go (according to the card pile). Strategy is important; but, even with a good strategy, you might  get stuck on this one!  We’ve ever tried creating a few variations to this game – no matter how we play it, it’s a challenge every time.  I appreciate that it’s a game that can be played with just two players.  It’s a definitely family pleaser in our home, and I’d highly recommend it.  It can be purchased for $19.99.


Watch for my upcoming review of another NEW! Gamewright game – GUBS (if, and when, we can ever figure out how to play it!)

1 comment:

Our Homeschool Reviews said...

We have Hisss, Match of the Penguins, Ugly Doll, and Go Nuts. We get a new one each year at our homeschool convention. Love them! :)

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