Monday, December 17, 2012

Catching Up on Quotes

Quote 13

Walt Disney has long been an inspiration to me, and I especially appreciate this quote.  I’ve got to admit that there was definitely a time in my life when, if someone would have said to me “you’ll never be able to do that”, that I probably would have stopped trying, believing that they were right, and giving up.

I’m not like that anymore.  Now, I look at the things that others think are impossible as challenges.  And I’m pretty determined to prove the naysayers wrong. 

And the times when I’ve actually had success with this, I feel such a sense of accomplishment.  I want to look those people right in the eye and say “Well, check this out!  It was fun to do the impossible!” 

Matthew 19:26 says this:

“With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.”

I believe that if we have God on our side, and we are doing His will, that we should expect great things.  We should be expecting the impossible! 

Quote 14

This quote reminds me very much of a quote by another famous man, Dr. Seuss:

“You are you and that is true, there's no one in the world who's you-er than you.”

This is another thing that I’m learning as I get older.  It doesn’t matter what PEOPLE think of us.  It only matters what God thinks.  So, we shouldn’t spend time conforming to the world – we don’t need to be what people around us THINK we should be.  We need to be ourselves. 

One thing that I've always been very careful about is being myself here on my blog (and now on FB and other social media as well).  I’m not afraid to admit when I’m having a bad hair day, that my house is a mess, or that I didn’t get a thing on my to-do list accomplished.  I’m less than perfect.  And that’s ok.

I have seen so many people get caught up in trying to be something/someone that they aren’t.  It’s never pretty. 

So, take the advice of both these wise men – Walt Disney and Dr. Seuss – and learn to just be you.  And like yourself!

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