Have you heard about the epic minseries, The Bible, yet? We don’t even have tv service, and I’m excited about this one. I will find a way to watch it, guaranteed!
Roma Downey (Touched By An Angel) and Mark Burnett (The Voice, Survivor, Shark Tank, Celebrity Apprentice) are executive producers for this series, scheduled to premier on the History Channel on March 3.
Here’s a sneak peek:
What do you think? Will you be watching?
For more information on The Bible, check out these sites:
Welcome to Destination Disney! Our focus is on QUOTES. Each week, I will be posting a new Disney-related quote (sometimes they’ll be from Walt himself, sometimes from others, and sometimes from Disney movies and characters). You can interpret the quote however you would like to - use it to inspire a blog post, share pictures, etc.
This week, let’s focus on this quote:
Now, it's YOUR TURN. Share your thoughts about this quote on your blog, then come back here and link up. Visit other blogs and make new friends!
If you would like to see past featured quotes in this series, click here. If you’re interested in working ahead and would like a full list of the quotes schedule, please e-mail me.
In the past year alone, I’ve been on an emotional roller-coaster of ups and downs, especially where business is concerned. So, this quote from Walt has significant meaning to me.
Last January, I felt as if my world were falling down around me and I was hopeless to do anything to stop it. However, over the course of the next few months, I had ideas pop into my head – as well as into the heads of several friends – and together we collaborated on a new business effort that is now known as Homeschool Mosaics.
As with Walt’s personal experience, in my own I have realized that sometimes we need to hit rock bottom in order to see which way is up and start on a course to get there!
I’m so glad that Mickey Mouse popped into Walt’s head at EXACTLY the right time. Otherwise, the Walt Disney empire (movies, parks, etc.) probably wouldn’t exist as we know it today. And, I can’t imagine my life without Disney in it.
I’m really excited to introduce you to a newly released DVD (available TODAY at Wal-mart!) . . .
LITTLE RED WAGON is based on the inspirational true story of eight-year-old Zach Bonner on his quest to change the world with nothing more than his beat-up red wagon and a blazing spirit of philanthropy.
When Zach sets out to help homeless children in America in the wake of Hurricane Charley, by walking from his house in Tampa, Florida to the White House, he must overcome bureaucrats and blisters, and capture the hearts of his fractured family and the entire nation.
I know that my family will enjoy this movie! Notice that it’s from the director of Rudy and Hoosiers – those are 2 of my husband Brian’s all-time favorite movies! As for me, I’m a sucker for movies that are inspired by actual events.
Here’s a bit more about Zach:
Zachary Bonner was born in Searcy, Arkansas on November 17, 1997 but now calls Tampa, Florida his home. He is home schooled under the Florida Virtual School program and is in the 8th grade. Zachary started doing community service in 2004 after Hurricane Charlie hit Florida. In 2005 he formed the Little Red Wagon Foundation, a non-profit organization designed to help underprivileged kids with a focus on homeless youth. Zach believes we all the ability to make a change in the world if we just try.
Watch the trailer:
I’m always impressed with kids who see a need and take the initiative to do something about it. This is an area where so many adults are lacking these days; so it’s refreshing to see young people doing something!
I’m anxious to see this movie, and I’m sure that you are too! So, how about a giveaway? I have one copy of Little Red Wagon to give away to one lucky reader. Enter using the Rafflecopter widget below . . .
Did you know? Eventhough the Three Caballeros’ attraction is in Mexico, Panchito is the only Mexican among the three. Jose is Brazilian and Donald is American.
Does your family enjoy this attraction at Epcot? We do!
Welcome back to TIGGERIFIC TUESDAY TRIVIA, a blog hop created from YOUR suggestions! The linky's growing each week, and we love learning all the fascinating Disney trivia.
Here's how it works: We post an interesting Disney trivial tidbit. You do likewise on your blog and then come link up your post on the linky below. Let's have fun and see what new and interesting Disney info we can learn!
Please be sure to share the linky & button on your site so people know where to get more info. Thanks for linking up today!
Born Valentine’s Day on a Navy base, Cheryl Wyatt writes military romance. Her Steeple Hill debuts earned RT Top Picks plus #1 and #4 on eHarlequin's Top 10 Most-Blogged-About-Books, lists including NYT Bestsellers. Cheryl loves interacting with her readers and can be found almost daily on Facebook.
Word from the Author: I do regular giveaways including a Kindle for every 250 people who join (aka "Like) my Facebook author page: https://www.facebook.com/CherylWyattAuthor and I'd LOVE for word to spread about that. We have a lot of fun there as I ask for frequent reader input on current books, with helpers being mentioned in the acknowledgements and fun stuff like that.
Combat doctor Ian Shupe returns home from overseas with his most important mission: to raise his little girl. But Ian's a single dad, and working at Eagle Point's trauma center means having to find child care. When bighearted, struggling lodge owner Bri Landis offers babysitting in exchange for construction work, Ian accepts. He vows to keep his emotional distance from Bri, yet can't deny that his daughter is blossoming under her tender care. But is he ready to believe that his heart's deepest prayer may finally be answered? If you would like to read the first chapter of Doctor To The Rescue, go HERE.
Several weeks ago, we received a neat game/iPad app combo from Duo games. It’s the Thomas and Friends “Steam Team Station” game.
The game box includes the activity center (seen above), along with the game cards. It is compatible with all versions of the iPad. You simply place your iPad into the activity center, download the free app, and you’re ready to play.
There are 3 games to choose from – the first 2 are both free with the app download – the 3rd requires an additional purchase to play.
The game comes with a package of AA batteries to get your started (these can easily be replaced). It’s simply and quick to set up; so anxious kids can start playing almost immediately.
While this game seems more geared toward preschool aged children, I asked my son Ian (age 6) to help me demonstrate:
This is a cute game and I will be passing my copy along to my 2-year-old nephew. However, if I had purchased this myself, I would be a bit disappointed. At a cost of almost $40 (at Amazon.com), I would have been very upset to discover that I had to pay extra for the third game app (that seems inappropriate to me). Also, as previously stated, this game should be marked for preschoolers. Once a child can read even the littlest bit, this game is below them.
If you have a little one who loves using the iPad and you’d like something “different” (rather than just tapping the screen), this might be just the game you’re looking for. In addition to inserting cards into the system, this game also encourages some exercise!
NOTE: I received the above game for free in exchange for my posting about it on my blog. I was not obligated to write a positive review.