Thursday, June 3, 2010

Strawberry Shortcake

My facebook status from yesterday generated a lot of comments, including people asking for the recipe.

Going to cut up some strawberries. I think we'll have shortcake for supper. Yes, we're PA Dutch - Strawberry Shortcake is a MEAL here! :)

So, for those of you who are not blessed to live here in PA Dutch Country, who did not know that Strawberry Shortcake is considered a meal here (not a dessert), or thought that those little round angel-food-type cakes they sell in the grocery store were “real” shortcake, this is for you ---

This is the recipe I used for our shortcake last night.  I got this recipe from my friend Sue – it was her mom’s recipe – which makes it even more special to me now.  I have other recipes I use occasionally, but this is the one I’ll share this time.

1 c. sugar                     1 egg
2 T. shortening           2 tsp. baking powder
pinch salt                     2 c. flour
1 c. milk

Combine all ingredients. Mix well. Pour into 9x9-inch cake pan.
Bake at 350 for 30 minutes or until done.

One of our very favorite cake recipes is for Sugar Cookie Cake (I’ll share that recipe later).  It’s also super yummy used as a shortcake for strawberries. :)

Edited to add:  I should have noted that authentic PA Dutch Strawberry Shortcake is served with berries AND MILK.  Yum! 

1 comment:

Lindsay-ann said...

You have me wanting Strawberry Shortcake right now! We only ever had it once and that was at Disney. On our first trip there we went to The Hoop Dee Dooo Review. They served Strawberry Shortcake and it was delicious. I may just have to give your recipe a try. Thanks for sharing it.

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