What parent hasn’t had the experience of leaving a pediatrician’s office more confused than when they came in? Or gotten home and thought of 10 questions they should have asked after the diagnosis was given?
Dr. Morchower understands. As a board-certified pediatrician and President of the Pediatric Society of Greater Dallas, he has helped thousands of parents by helping keep their child healthy.
1001 Healthy Baby Answers collects the most common questions parents have about a variety of different ailments, along with expert answers detailing everything the parent needs to know.
Perfect for parents to have on hand and in the home for quick reference, this essential guide will alleviate fears and give parents the right advice to help their child feel better . . . without another trip to the doctor’s.
Find authoritative answers to your questions about:
- Jaundice
- Asthma
- Seizures
- Chicken pox
- Anemia
- Rapid breathing
- Autism
- Croup
- Pneumonia
- Diabetes
- Heart murmurs
- Sleep disorders
And much, much more.
“A must for a parent or grandparent caring for a sick child.”
—Carden Johnston, MD, past president, American Academy of Pediatrics
Heidi Says . . . Though the title of this book recommends that it is for parents of babies only, that is not the case. I like the byline of this book - “pediatricians’ answers to all the questions you didn’t know to ask”. I appreciate having this type of reference book on hand. Several years ago, we chose to leave our pediatrician because their office was 45 minutes away and not always an ideal situation. Since that time, we take our children to the family doctor and we’re normally pleased with the service and care that we receive there. But, there are times when I’m simply not sure, as a parent, whether a trip to the doctor is in order, or if home treatment would be just as effective.
This book is set up alphabetically by ailment/situation. Each ailment is set up in the same way -
- Title (these are simple, every day things like ear infection, poison ivy, hay fever, etc. and more complex things such as special needs situations and serious illnesses/diseases)
- Author’s Comment (these contain information such as frequency of occurences, updates in modern medicine, etc.)
- Questions & Answers (this section is set up similar to a FAQ section – common questions, followed by the answers to them)
- Doctor’s name and area of expertise
If you’re looking for a quick reference children’s health guide, this one is simple and easy to use and understand. It sells for $16.99 in the US, and is well worth the price for parents’ peace of mind.
NOTE: I received this book free of charge from Sourcebooks in exchange for sharing my personal thoughts on my blog. I was not compensated in any other way for the writing of this review.