Sunday, November 13, 2011

2011 Gratitude Challenge-November 13

Last Sunday for the Gratitude Challenge, I shared that I am thankful for my church. I didn’t really share why, though.  The church we are  currently attending is the church that I grew up in – the church where I first realized my need for a savior – and the church where I  grew both physically and spiritually into an adult. The pastor who was there then is still leading the church today (after over 40 years of very faithful service) – he and his wife were very influential to me during my teen years – their daughter was one of my very best friends – and he married Brian and I almost 20 years ago.  In other words, they’re so much more than a pastor and his wife – they’re family.

So, when I got the news yesterday morning that my pastor’s wife’s father passed away yesterday morning, I was saddened for them.  Her mother had passed away when I was an older teenager – and we all joked that I should step up and marry her dad.  Of course, it was just joking – but it stuck – and we still all tease about it to this day! 

Anyway, what I’m thankful for today is the fact that we have assurance when a Christian dies – we know that person is in heaven and that we will see them again someday. We know that they are in a better place (it sounds trite when you say that to someone who has recently suffered a loss, yet it’s so true).

Please pray for my pastor and his wife this week (and for the rest of the family). They have a long trip to make to the funeral and she has  been experiencing tremendous back/neck pain for months (she’s already undergone one surgery and is facing another in the near future). I know they would appreciate prayers for safety, comfort, and peace. 

1 comment:

Rodna said...

I am sorry for their family. it is so hard to lose someone. I lost my dad when I was 20.

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