by Tim Sims & Dan Pegoda
Normally, I don't share reviews on Sunday because, hey~ it's Sunday~ our day of rest. And doing reviews is my "job" of sorts; so, I should be resting from it, right?! But, this is just too good to pass up and it just seems appropriate to share it on a Sunday. So as not to be accused of working (even though I love doing reviews, so it's more "play" to me), I'm going to draft this entry on Saturday and just post it on Sunday, ok?
101 things to do during a Dull Sermon is a hilarious little book distributed by Kregel Publications. This is a small book (just a little over 5" square), but it's 128 pages of side-splitting humor! Here is what the back of the book (and website description) have to say:
For those sermon-heavy Sundays when you long to be washing the dog or unclogging a drain, here are 101 adrenaline-pumping exercises:- Slap the person sitting next to you. See if he or she turns the other cheek. If not, raise your hand and tell the pastor.
- Devise ways of climbing into the balcony without using the stairs.
- See if a yawn is contagious.
- Ananias and Sapphira list: identify the names of the "Ten Most Likely to be Struck Dead During the Offering."
Now for the sake of my dear pastor (whose wife occasionally visits my blog), I just have to say that I don't sit through too many dull sermons. But, that doesn't mean that this little book isn't fun to read~ it's a delight! Actually, we just received this book in today's mail (Saturday)~ and each one of us took a turn and read through the whole thing. As a matter of fact, we fought over it!
This book would make an adorable gift for your favorite pastor (only, however, if he's got a good sense of humor~ otherwise, he just might be offended! ) Oh, if this is any indication of the attraction of this little book~ I just had it sitting beside me on the computer desk while I'm typing this review, when my 7-year old came by (under the guise of me opening a piece of candy for her) and when I looked up, the book was gone! Trust me, it's funny! If you can read this book without cracking a smile or laughing out loud, I dare say there's something wrong with you!
"The most wasted of all days is one without laughter."
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